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Organizations we have provided this class for :

- Link Community Charter School

- Elyon Learning Center Academy

- Eagle Academy

- Covenant House

- Essex County Juvenile Detention Center

- Union County Juvenile Detention Center

Architecture & Life Skills


A Program developed for self-knowledge. The goal is to understand oneself and design a map of one's gifts and talents.

Weight Training

Weight Training

Fitness Aerobics

Fitness Aerobics

Endurance Training

Endurance Training

Strength Traning

Strength Traning

Strength Training

Strength Training

Health & Fitness 
Appreciation=Self Esteem 

A program developed with the goal of helping to better self esteem and boost confidence  by pushing limits physically, and in doing so, developing a work ethic of never giving up

Organizations we have provided this class for :

- Link Community Charter School 

Artistic Appreciation

Through artistic expression, one is able to develop higher self-esteem, improve self-image, and heal the mind and soul.







Understanding Banking

Understanding Banking

Financial Literacy Workshop

Financial Literacy Workshop

Jeff our Financial Literacy Expert

Jeff our Financial Literacy Expert

Financial Literacy Game

Financial Literacy Game

Financial Literacy



A program developed with the goal of helping one understand financial secrets and what to do with money earned.

Teaching Tolerance Through Drama: Speak Out


Operating under the mantra, "The only person that can make you act outside of your nature is you; learn how to control it, channel it, and make it a beautiful sight to see," this program is designed to assist in attaining control of one's self expression through performances in the dramatic arts.

Voice and How to Use Your Instrument

A program designed to help one learn the art of singing, projection and enunciation.

Ballet, African Dance 
and Modern Expression 

A program designed to help teach self control, confidence, discipline and self expression through movement to music.

Martial Arts 
How to Respond to Situations

A workshop designed with the goal of showing how discipline, defense, and confidence help one navigate through life with a little more control. 

Videography & Photography  

A workshop developed to teach how to capture images from different perspectives & understand one's environment while learning the power of imagery.

Organizations that we have provided this class for:

- Covenant House


Architectural Life Skills

Architectural Life Skills

Career Plan Sketch

Career Plan Sketch

Architecture Planning

Architecture Planning

Architectural Life Skills

Architectural Life Skills

Eagle Academy Award Winning Project

Eagle Academy Award Winning Project

Brother Jerome

Brother Jerome

African Dance

African Dance

Modern Dance

Modern Dance

Zakiya Teaching Modern Dance

Zakiya Teaching Modern Dance

Modern Dance

Modern Dance

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

The Art of Photography

Organizations that we have provided this class for:

- Link Community Charter School


Wisdom Shapes Minds Community Development Corporation does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

Call us:


Find us: 

34 Clinton St, Newark, NJ 07102

© 2017 by WSMCDC

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